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    It was established under the Rectorate of theTrakya University by means of the Article 7 (6/2) of the Higher Education Law .


1. To emphasize the importance of being an important bridge and junction between Trakya region and Europe and Asia, which is of great importance for the national as well as international. The Thracians who left their names in the region in relation to their original cultural identity and the representatives of the processes that allowed them to prepare and sustain their long cultural assets in the region, together with other Prehistoric and Protohistic cultures of Thrace, coincided with the Thracian identity and the archaeological and artistic formations and legacies of all these periods. To examine cultural and historical realities.

Researching, evaluating and introducing the cultural and artistic developments of the Thracians and other Thracian (Prehistoric and Protohistoric) cultures in the light of archaeological data and artistic views, the support of historical evidential and anthropological interpretations, in the light of modern science and thought, national and international dimensions.

2. For this purpose, to collect the necessary data to identify and identify the material and spiritual data and cultural aspects of the Thracians and other cultures, to carry out scientific excavation and surveys if necessary, to compile and evaluate the documents, and to demonstrate the activities of the research.

3. To be able to illuminate the early world of Thrace with its Thracians and other cultures and to understand the cultural and artistic exchanges with cultural, social and political relations and to understand the economic and commercial realities, Traces of Bialnia, Phrygia, Lydia from Trac culture, together with the cultures of Mycenae / Aka and other Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Sea regions as a whole with the cultures known as Celts (Galatians), Illyrians and "Sea Peoples" (Pelas Tyrsen and other). To make researches and studies related to Prehistoric and Protohistoric cultures of Europe, based on Turkology and Thrace.

4. National and international public and private institutions, organizations, museums, institutes, libraries, associations working on the cultures and regions mentioned above and especially interested in them.


5. All of the Marmara region, which includes the northwestern part of the Thrace region and the cultures of this region, and the units which have the values and values of the moral and material values of the northern parts of the Aegean region , cultural associations, other public and private organizations, etc.) to contact, cooperate and work together when necessary.

6. To publish in the national and international area in accordance with the purposes of the Center and for the purposes of the Center and to carry out activities on behalf of the Center (such as books, booklets and periodical publications).

This content was issued on 21.01.2019 and has been viewed for 477 times.